Doctor Who - Season 25 : Episode 1


  • Drama
  • Action & Adventure
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy

As the silver anniversary season, it included several stories noting the milestone: Remembrance of the Daleks, which featured the final "classic series" appearance of the Daleks and Davros and which would feature scenes set at Coal Hill School and 76 Totter’s Lane, both significant locations in the first episode, An Unearthly Child; and Silver Nemesis, the final classic series appearance of the Cybermen, which had its first episode broadcast on the actual 25th anniversary of the series. It also showed the lighter side of the Seventh Doctor's personality fade and be replaced by darker qualities. The Greatest Show in the Galaxy was also the last episode to have the Doctor dressed in bright colours. This would also be the first season that would be recorded with the intention of, and be broadcast in, a stereo mix.

Season 25 Episodes


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